When I take the time to really see what is going on in the world, it looks pretty dark and dismal. It is easy to see the "powers that be" spiraling out of control in a world that has gotten away from them. The powers can no longer control the masses as they once did. The old paradigm of domination is getting weaker and weaker. People sense this weakness and are discovering within themselves the desire, power, and motivation to take action toward change. However, it is valuable to see that change cannot come from within the system, or by fighting the system. Real change can only come from exposing the system for what it is. The only way to do that is through nonviolent action. Fighting the system, blaming the system, or condemning the system is only playing into the system, because the system will only scapegoat the complainer, and use its propaganda machine to discredit the revolutionary. Or, if the revolutionary succeeds through violence to achieve power, it will only become the System. The name has been changed, but the actions remain the same. Domination is the name of the game.
There is a greater power Source than the Domination system and it is the Natural and Cosmic Laws of the Universe. These powers created by the One Source of all things put them in place so that order, creation, love, harmony and life could become a reality. The current ruling science of materialism does not include those source energies, so they have been forgotten, lost, demonized, or left in the past as ancient myth. It is time to resurrect our myths so that we may have a frame work for building a world without domination.
To this end, I use the Mayan Prophetic Calendar and the Teachings of the Ancient Essenes as guide to life. The MPC keeps me abreast of the current Universal energies available for our use. I have blogged about this calendar in the past so won't go into the overall picture of it. We are currently living the 9th and final wave of the evolution of consciousness according to Carl Johan Calleman, one of the major Mayanologist of the day.
According to Calleman Sept. 23-Oct 10th, the 6th Night is called God Before Dawn and a time of resting and fine tuning unity consciousness. The 7th Day and final period is Oct. 11 through Oct. 28th and provides the highest expression of unity consciousness.
What is important about this time is that it signals the weakest point for the old consciousness of materialism and the reign of the "domination" system (Walter Wink, New Testament) and, therefore, opens the door to a "new world" devoid of domination. The domination system is characterized by tyranny, control, scapegoating, money/power as god, propagandizing to dominate, greed, false national pride, etc. It is easy to see that all systems are broken, medical, governmental, religious, educational, judicial and political. Consciousness, which is primary, is supporting a world of cooperation, unity, and and peace. But, whether or not we experience those conditions is up to each of us. We can't participate with unity consciousness if we are not awake to it, if we have not done the internal work necessary to wake from the hypnotic trance necessary for the System to exist. Jesus, the Essene, said, "Happy are you, that you hunger for the truth, for I will satisfy you with the bread of wisdom. Happy are you, that knock, for I will open to you the door of life." (The Essene Gospel of Peace Book I) In each of these statements there is the action that one need to take to benefit from what is already available.
Ignorance is dangerous and when the ignorant are running the show the show becomes dangerous. Look through the sham of the Dominating System in charge of what happens in Washington, so that you can see that the "powers that be" are not concerned with individual human quality of life, even though the propaganda machine, even the language of bills passed at the capitol are named to make one think otherwise. Even the names of organizations, like "homeland security" suggests protecting the people from harm, when the reality is much different. The "freedoms" we each have given up in the process of protection from "harm" is incredibly more harming to our freedom than any outside threat. The proof is in the pudding, as the old saying goes, since the biggest ticket item in the budget is for the military. The truth is war never makes peace. This There is a need by the domination system to convince the people through fear that their lives are at stake. The propaganda machine, as Wink so clearly states, "Propaganda is not merely deception, then. It is the manufacture of idolatry. It is not enough that people be misinformed about the nature of the System, for powerful disconfirming truths could easily slip in to shatter such illusions. But if you can cause people to worship the Beast, you have created a public immune to truth. As studies of cognitive dissonance show, worshipers do not surrender their beliefs in the presence of disconfirming facts. They simply adjust their beliefs to neutralize the facts." (UNMASKING THE DOMINATION SYSTEM)
Perhaps, the most pressing step to take in order to see the Domination System for what it is; one must come to terms with the FACT that the System does not care about you or your welfare. More devastating than that may be the FACT that it only exists because you have bought into it, support it, and are complicit with it. Once you grow through the awfulness of that reality, then you find the truth and a new life.
Until then, everything you think, say, do IS the system.
The fundamental assumptions of the domination system according to Wink are:
1. The need to control society and prevent chaos requires some to dominate others.
2. Those who dominate may use other people as a means to achieve their goals.
3. Men are better equipped by nature to be dominant than women, and some races are naturally suited to dominate others.
4. A valued end justifies the use of any means.
5. Violence is redemptive, the only language enemies understand.
6. Ruling or managing is the most important of all social functions.
7. Therefore rulers and managers should be rewarded by extra privileges and greater wealth of all kinds.
8. Those who have the military strength, who control the most advanced technology, the greatest wealth, or the largest markets, are the ones who will and should survive.
9. Money is the most important value.
10. The possession of money is a sign and proof of political and social worth.
11. The production of material goods is more important than the production of healthy and normal people and of sound human relationships (or the former automatically produces the latter).
12. Property is sacred, and property ownership is an absolute right.
13. In an organization or nation, great size is proof of its power and value.
14. Institutions are more important than people.
15. There is no higher value or being or power than the state. If there is a God, God is the protector and patron of the state.
16. God, if there is one, is not revealed to all, but only the select individuals or nations and their rulers and priesthood.
If you agree with any of these statements, then you have bought the Domination System as God. This delusion, then, is what we fight for making the Nation "God" - a false image or idol. Couched in the language of "patriotism" it is unthinkable to question the acts of the Nation God even if the action is clearly self-serving. We make heros of our fallen soldiers, and treat those who return home alive, but broken, as used up material the Nation God no longer needs. Check out how many vets are in prison, homeless or have committed suicide. The numbers are staggering! Rather than holding the Nation God accountable, the propaganda machine scapegoats the vet - the way of the Domination System - people are expendable.
I know, this is hard to see, or even to want to see, because it calls into question every thing you hold sacred. We won't let go of this system easily. But, in the last analysis, to move past it, we must!
This story is not a new one. It may be as old as 10,000 years which makes it even harder to see because we don't have anything to compare it with. Jesus exposed the Domination System (Roman Rule)for what it was, but by the 2nd century C.E. his message was lost to another system having bought into the Domination System. It found its home in the Vatican. Violence, murder, genocide, ignorance, scapegoating, and propaganda became its modus operandi. It set the stage for the next 3000 years. Now, Nations, corporations, political parties, the powerful having learned how effectively this system works to get power and wealth, and to keep it. It is pervasive, insidious, and dangerous. Those are the characteristics of the Domination. To fight it with its own tools only feeds it. We must find ways to expose it for what it is rather than condemn it or blame it.
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