Thoughtful quotes, insight into daily living, Mayan Calendar insights, ideas and possibilites for living in choice daily
Monday, November 7, 2011
What Now?
Monday, October 24, 2011
What Now?
-Bernard Lietaer, Founder of the EU Currency System
Monday, October 17, 2011
Oct. 28th
This chart shows two worlds, the reactive world of survival and the pro-active world of conscious awareness.
If you go to my website you can get the free download of the ebook I wrote explaining how this chart works along with a process of determining how well you are using your inner guidance system. It is called How to Manifest Your Dreams and includes the Living in Choice Science of Manifestation process.
As you can see from the above chart, what you believe is the driver for thoughts, feelings and emotion or energy in motion. By the time you get to sending out the energy of desire into the Universe, you have already imbued that energy with the information of belief, thought, feeling and then you have spoken the angry, resentful words, you have taken some kind of action as a result of that energy and then it shows up in your reality. Right? We are aware of this kind of co-creation, but not so aware of the creation of the good stuff. We think we were just lucky, at the right place at the right time, etc. but rarely to we recognize it was us who generated the good in our lives.
For example: You are frustrated at work because you have too much to do and too little time to get it all done. You know the job market is filled with many qualified job hunters, and that creates a fear that if you don't get everything done you will get fired. With your inner technology generating the vibration of fear and doubt all day at work, you go home and the kids haven't cleared their rooms and have trashed the living room, so you, like a volcano erupting, blow your built up fear and doubt about your job all over the kids. You yell and scream at them and then you feel bad because they got scared because they didn't understand your sudden angry outburst. They were just being kids, after all. Then chaos reigns in the household, Dad comes home and his day hasn't been any better, so his guidance system is trashed with anger and resentment because he was passed over for promotion, again. His highly fueled energy system meets the chaos in the house and more yelling ensues. Finally everyone is so exhausted from the emotional trauma escape seems a much better option. So, escape in television, the internet, a beer, food, or some other form of mind numbing activity seems a better bargain.
Does that sound familiar?
This process of handling life is a conditioned one and is driven by the Law of Survival. We get disappointed because "life" hasn't gone the way we want it to, we look for someone to blame, someone to project our disappointment onto, then we judge ourselves or the other, and want revenge for the disappointment. Our inner guidance system interprets this as "I am going to die" so survival becomes the automatic reaction - it is primary. This is the default system built into the system back in the Mammalian Cycle 820 million years ago. We needed it to get here.
Now, consciousness has guided the evolvement of our ability to "see" what is going on consciously, We have come to the thresh hold where we have the opportunity claim our power as a conscious co-creator. We do that through learning to use the inner guidance system to move us into the "vortex" (Abraham-Hicks) of our own connection to Source Energy. We know we are there when our internal guidance system signal lets us know we feel good. When we feel angry, hurt, disappointed, etc. our guidance system is letting us know we have moved away for alignment with source energy or the vortex. What we don't want lets us know what we do want, as Abraham-Hicks repeats again and again. Because we have been operating out of a domination system (Wink) for so long, many of us do not know there is any other "system" to operate from. It is time to learn!!
Living In Choice depends on it.
Monday, October 10, 2011
The definition of cult
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The 6th Night Sept. 23 to Oct. 10
Monday, January 24, 2011
Jan. 2010
I saw a bumper sticker today on my way to the post office that said, "The end in near - THANK GOD!" This is the way I feel about 2010 being over. For me it was filled with loss and grief in the midst of work, settling into a new house, sons divorce, a friend in need coming to live with us for awhile; our beloved Napoleon, the family pet, being very ill. He tried to take on our stress, I think. It almost got the best of him - and us.
What I learned from the experience of 6 months of living with aged parents transitioning into death and rebirth was just how challenging it is to Live in the moment in the face of such great personal loss. My Dad made his transition two years before - culminating in August of 2008. His process began in January of 2008. We watched his physical body deteriorate every day from a vibrant 92 year old, still working the in garden, driving the car, and playing canasta to inhabiting a physical body that was the shadow of itself, just skin and bone, and a heart that no longer pumped the blood through the system. There are so many emotional, life long, attachments - at least in my case to parents. They had always been there, supported, loved, cheered and oh yes, critized, expected, guilted, and all the rest. It had become a way of life and I knew with my father's death change had come to stay. My Mom lived on for almost two years following his death. She left this physical world in July of 2010 after having a stroke in Jan. Her physical body, like my Dad's, slowly deteriorated from lack of nutrition. Her stroke paralyzed her left side and the swallow reflex, so she could not take anything by mouth. She chose to have a feeding tube inserted in her stomach. After 5 and a half months, her body began rejecting the nutrition. He body was shutting down and the fluid just made her sick. We, my Sister and I chose to take her off the tube. We could not stand by and watch her suffer any longer. The nurse would prime the feeding tube and immediately the fluid would immediately be regirgated. Have you ever seen someone who did not have control over the swallow reflex vomit? Of course, the real threat is aspirating - taking the fluid into the lung causing pneumonia. We learned the choice to put the feeding tube in is much easier than taking it out. We were told we were starving her to death and that she would suffer horribly - we were told we were killing our Mom by medical health professionals. I can't relate to you how difficult it was to stay in the moment in the face of these accusations without reacting in some crazy way.
The reality was, she seemed so much happier and alert once we took her off everything - meds, fluids. She loved ice water and we kept it there for her to sip on, of course she could swallow very little of it but it seemed to satisfy her. All through the 6 months it was very difficult understand her speech, because of the damage from the stroke. She could not walk, write, move or move herself in any way. It was so painful to watch. We would take her around in a wheel chair, or to the sing-alongs in the recreation room, but her ability to interact was so limited. The light was gone from her eyes. She no longer had interest in T.V. or her beloved football games. Her radio was her life line and my Sister, who attended to her every need. I live 4 hours away and so could not be there every day as she was. My Sister's life revolved around working and going in the evening to check on our Mom and stay with her for awhile.
The process was very difficult to watch and still Live in Choice at the same time. Having a wonderful support system of family and friends made all the difference. Taking it a step at the time, breathing, meditation and prayer all helped.
This year holds the promise of new ideas, new projects, and new foundations to build upon. 2011 in numerology is a 4 year-a foundational number. Geometrically - the cube. The Mayan numbering system says the number four brings in stability. "The most stable of all forms is the cube. Four is the estabilhment of volume by definition. The four directions give orientation to any form as the height, length, depth and breadth give shape to any form. The energy of Four, sets the parameters which establish the freedoms and barriers needed to create a game, a work or relationship."
On March 8th, the 8th Level of the evolution of consciousness ends and on March 9th, the final wave of consciousness begins. Each of the 13 subwaves from seed to fruit will be 18 days each or 234 days for the total 9th level and the completion of the 16.4 billion march of consciousness to its culmination on Oct. 28, 2011. This level is called Unity Consciousness or Conscious Co-creation. This is a consciousness humankind has never before experienced. What to expect is unknown, nevertheless the previouse 8 levels provide us with knowledge of previous patterns throughout the previous 8 levels that provide us with some clues concerning what is to come.
So, stay tuned as I talk about each of the 13 waves of the 9th Level of the Evolution of Consciousness. It is humerous to think about the on-going debate between the creationists and the evolutionist because they are both correct. Interesting what we fight over.