

Friday, July 9, 2010

Mayan Tolzkin date 5 Kan (Seed)

The Tolzkin or the day calendar, called the Sacred Calendar by the Mayans in conjuction with the Tun Calendar or Galactic Calendar, was the central calendar for daily use. They understood that each day is influenced by galactic energies influenced by the The Tree of Life or Hunab ku in their language. They knew if they aligned with the prevaling energies each day, it was easier to accomplish their aim.

The energy of today, based on the Tolkin is 5 Kan or Seed, meaning that today is a good day for beginning new projects. It is a day of fertility and growth. It is a good day to break free of old patterns and beliefs. The energy of today is driven by the awareness of a need to change. It is a good day to take risks and try something new. It is an excellent day to spend in contemplating your intentions toward creating your dreams, or projects.

Take time to make new contacts - network or reconnect with those you have been meaning to call for a while and haven't.

This is not a good day to put things off or to spend time in apathy or feelings of insecurity or stagnation. Remember no one will do it for you.

Today is the day to take action.

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