I chose the name Living In Choice for this blog, my newsletter and my business to remind, not only myself, but others that in the final analysis, choice is the only "right" we have.
We fight for our right to be free, to vote, to work, to educate, to have a quality of healthcare, a quality of life. We even say "I have the right" to speak up - to voice my opinion - even if that opinion is harmful to another - people do that all the time. We say we have the right to make any accusation whether it is founded in reality or not. The problem is we believe our own thoughts and think they are true and further, that everyone else should believe it as well.
Upon investigation it is easy to see that there is not one single "right" that cannot be taken away. There are people on this planet who do not have the right to vote, or to speak, or to have healthcare, or even a decent place to live, or clean water to drink, or food to eat, or clothes to wear. And I could go on to include the right to live - speaking of women in some countries - minorities in others, homosexuals in others, children in others.
That is the reason choice is so important. You can choose each moment, even to the moment of death, how you respond in that moment. You can choose to die in fear or in grace.
Where we have taken a mistaken road is when we make the choice not to choose.
We can choose whether we want offshore drilling or not. If we investigate the consequence of that action, taking into consideration the impact a spill has on the environment, and the the present situation, a gusher constantly pumping hundreds of thousands of barrels of crude into the environment every day - and now we are seeing the consequence we set ourselves up for - without asking the question - "Is our life support - the environment - the ecosystem - more important than money?" Obviously, none of or few of us gave that any serious thought and if you did perhaps you felt you didn't have any power to change it.
To fight something is to give it more power.
Choosing a direction of peaceful coexistence is another thing altogether - and that means with everything - including the planet that is our home, its rivers, lakes, oceans, air, soil and the surrounding stratosphere.
Choose what is really valuable to you - dig deep, look at all the options and choose.
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