

Friday, May 21, 2010

Humanity's conquest for life

One of my favorite authors, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, died in 1979 after a long life of lifting people all over the globe to a higher level of conscious awareness. His passion for living simply in harmony with natural and cosmic laws rewarded him with an abundant life, which he spent sharing his wisdom through teaching amidst the living example of his life. He wrote 80 books, he called them his "children", through which he shared the allsided truths left humanity by the extraordinary Essenes of the first century before the Common Era and the 1st and 2nd centuries CE. His "children" are available from I.B.S. Internacional, Box 849, Nelson, B.C. Canada V1L 6A5. Dr. Szekely's widow, Norma or Swallow, as she refers to herself, continues to follow the simple but extraordinary way of the Essenes and is the conservator of Dr. Szekely's books. She lives without the computer, the telephone, or other techno gagets. She writes letters with pen and paper as humanity has been doing for thousands of years. She lives quietly and beautifully in her chosen part of the world.

Dr. Szekely wrote the following in his posthumously (1994) published book, Toward the Conquest of the Inner Cosmos, " The greatest question at present is whether humanity has in truth reached a stage in its evolution at which its spirituality can crystallize into action. Or will this spirituality, as it develops into action and meets with matter, do as always in the past and retreat into matter and come to terms with it? In the light of historical perspective, the most probable solution is that now as heretofore there will be compromise: a step, large or small, will be taken toward the liberation of the spiritual."

As consciousness evolves and with it our own conscious awareness of the unity of all things, how do we resolve the worldview of duality - the separation of matter and the spiritual?

"Ah! Therein lies the rub" as Shakespeare said.

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