It is obvious when considering Prigogine's conclusions, that the evolution of consciousness, (seemingly a system that demonstrates the opposite of the second law of thermodynamics), as it is expressing right now, [through its current expression of ethics (according to Calleman)] is demonstrating the process of dissipating current structures. Clearly, current breakdown or dissipation is underway in our economic, religious, political, healthcare, and educational systems.
Prigogine demonstrated through his research that this breakdown culminates in what he termed a "bifurcation" point- a place where the slightest nudge completely shuts down the system.
Bifurcation means to split or divide into two branches - and at that point humanity will have a decision to make - a moment of truth will be at hand. Prigogine's research indicates that at the bifurcation point the system either totally breaks down and ceases to exist as any kind of ordered system or it spontaneously reorders itself in an entirely new way.
I wonder if the current oil gushing into the gulf and the ultimate affect it will have on, not only the ecosystem of the planet, but also the economic system, will be our bifurcation point. Will it be the straw that broke the camels back. Will it lead us to the crossroads - a moment of truth - where we will have the opportunity to decide our futures.
The Mayan Calendrical System indicates humanity is now in the 6th night of the 8th Level of the evolution of consciousness in a 9 level system. Right now we are at the bottom of the 6th night just about to turn toward the 7th day which begins Nov. 3, 2010. July 17, the date of the Harmonic Convergence, will initiate energy that could very well begin the collapse of the current socio-economic system (Carl Calleman- ).
If Prigogine's research is correct, consciousness is unmistakably evolving and humanity is approaching, not an end, but a beginning of a new world. It is an exciting time to be here - to have the opportunity to participate in a spontaneously reordering into a new system.
That is not to say there won't be disruptions that will be unpleasant and even disturbing for a time. It is imperative to remember that destruction precedes creation. If you take the time to really look around, taking off the mask of fear and conditioning - one can recognize all the seeming insanity is in reality a demonstration of the collapsing of unethical and outmoded structures.
If you have the vision to see through the fear, the hype of the media, the conditioning of survival, you may be able to see beyond the bifurcation point to the spontaneously newly ordered world that lies ahead.
Get ready for the ride of your life!