

Monday, September 27, 2010

Walking Meditation

Living In Choice Walking Meditation

If you haven't had the opportunity to take a walk and spend some time appreciating the cooler weather, I highly recommend that you give yourself that gift.

Pick a quiet place, a park, a nearby lake, your own backyard, a lovely tree laden neighborhood.

Begin by being still for a moment, closing your eyes and begin taking some deep breaths, grounding yourself with Mother Earth with each one.

Feel her strength beneath your feet, supporting you, providing you with every nutrient you need for health and well being.

Imagine that you are sending a virtual cord of energy from you sacral chakra right down into Her crystaline core center. Notice what color you choose for your connecting cord or cords. Imagine that the Mother Earth is sending back to you, through those cords, her loving energy. Notice how that feels as it travels up the cord and enters your body. Just allow it to flow all through your being.

Take another deep breath, and as you exhale open your eyes and begin your walk, taking time to notice how the sun feels on your skin, the air as it touches your face, the smells that surround you, the color of the sky, the sounds that float on the air. Perhaps the wind is causing the leaves of the trees to russel. Notice the sounds of the insects, the cricket, the locust, the feathered friends, the birds, that sing or chirp, the dogs that bark a greeting. Just allow every sound to soothe your spirit, feeling the warmth and love of Nature to embrace you with every step. Notice how you feel inside. If you notice you feel anxious or tense just breathe into those places exhaling that energy and replacing it with the peace and love of nature that surrounds you.

Continue walking as long as you have time for. Then as you complete your walking meditation take a few moments before going inside to look up toward the sky and let the great expanse of that space fill you will joy, with the vision that there is an incredible universe out there reminding yourself that you are a necessary part of that universe! Take a final deep breath anchoring your experience. Return to normal breathing and your daily activities.

This might also be fun at night focusing on the night sky and the beauty and majesty of the full moon, Venus, and Saturn, the Big dipper and other constellations you may be able to recognize.

Happy meditating

Thursday, September 23, 2010


If you look toward the west in the night sky you will see a bright star. Really, it isn't a star at all, it is a planet, the ringed planet, Saturn. Astronomers say it is closer to the earth than it has been in the last 3000 years. It seems to have come at a time when its influence is heightened to assist humanity in clearing long held patterns that no longer serve.

In ancient Greek mythology, Saturn, was known as Cronus from the Greek 'Chronos' meaning Time, child of Ouranos (Father Sky), a tyrannical and despotic ruler. His mother was Gaia (Mother Earth), who persuaded Cronus to overthrow his father. Which he did. And the story continues violently and ends with Zeus, who saved the day, so to speak.

At any rate, Saturn symbolizes the overthrow of tyranny and despotism. The influence of Saturn may serve to place us in our own prison, just as Cronus ended his career as a prisoner in Tartarus, according to Greek mythology. So, Saturn represents our limitations, as well as our ability to or inability to set appropriate boundaries. It seems, as one observes the goings on in the world, that we are in the process of breaking the boundaries set out long ago by the law makers of 5000 years ago. These laws of old have served to repress our instincts, our intuition, our creativity, our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical freedoms. These limitations have shown up in apathy, melancholy, depression, lack, fear, self-doubt, etc.

But, even though, the energetic influence of Saturn on humanity, presents us with restrictions and limitations, it also guides us to maturity by forcing us to work within its framework. It holds over us the tyrannical parental shadow from which we must emerge. And according to the prophetic calendar of the classical Maya, the time has come when we (humanity) have the opportunity to emerge from the shadow of tyranny into the "Golden Age" of Enlightenment.

This process may be experienced as the most difficult of times, especially if you are not inspired by the vocation you have chosen. Saturn may be signaling to you to find your inspiration and follow your dream by breaking out of the chains of the tyrannical "father" within who holds you to the letter of the law of its beliefs.

It is also interesting that the current Pope, the symbolic "Father" of the Catholic Church is being named and may be called as a witness in a law suit filed by a man who was sexually molested in a Catholic School for the deaf. As a Cardinal, the Pope, was in the position to investigate child abuse in Catholic schools, including the one in which the man reports to have been sexually molested.

The tyrannical, despotic father being called to account? Will he be last Pope? Only time will tell. Pardon the pun!

Living In Choice takes work and that work is to know the self!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Mechanical Self

The Mechanical Man or conditioned self reacts to effects. Example: Someone cuts in front of you in line or cuts you off on the highway. The mechanical self reacts by making some obscene gesture, angrily looks at the offender, gets red in the face, chest feels tight, etc.

That is the mechanical man reacting to an effect.

How many of you "live" life that way?

The conditioned mind - the complainer, the blamer, the stander up for rights, the obeyer/believer, the self-improver and the pleaser decide the "life" you are living.

This mind does not think - it reacts - and it reacts the same way every time. That is the reason you get the life you have. If this is all you know - then you cannot think beyond that - infact that is not thinking at all - it is just ruminating the same information again. Day after day - it is the same - because you cannot live beyond what you know, either.

The famous phrase "Know thyself" is an important observation. Because if "I" is asleep and cannot observe "what is going on" then what is going on keeps on going.

"The Work" of life is to wake up and observe "self" to come to know self which allows you to choose a conscious purpose for living each moment. Purpose is not static! It changes with each new moment. Without an awareness of your "state of being" in any given moment there can be no self knowledge.

We, as a species, only have dominion over what we know, or knowledge, and our level of being. Our place in the universe affords us the gift of making a request (a prayer) and the totality of the universe moves to respond to that request.

What you may not know is that the request is governed by level of knowledge and is delivered by level of being. If level of being enters the request from mechanical man/conditioned self who is in love with being a victim or living in lack and who is invested in blaming the "other" because they have it better than they, or holding a secret jealousy, or being lazy - I don't want to do it - I want you to do it for me, etc. then the request is answered from that level of being.

So, every prayer we send out is answered according to the level of knowledge and level of being from which it is sent.

Waking up the Observer so that self can be seen is the work we must all do now in every moment.

What prayer are you sending out?

Living in Choice comes from waking up the observer. The job of the observer is to watch, investigate (shine the light within), question and report the facts to the universe. This is "conscious purpose for living."

Notice what happens

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Essenes and Quantum Physics

The post on 9/12 discussed Steven Hawking's new book and the discussion it is raising about how the Universe works. Hawking and his co-author, Mlodinow, suggest they have proven mathematically that the known universe/galaxies operate in a certain way; and that they have done so without regard for a "greater mind" involved in the process. In other words their calculations did not take into consideration any "intelligence" initiating the movement of the universe. What a great mathematical feat that is! It is also an important tool for us to understand how the universe works.

But, it is the whole story? Probably not!

According to a 3rd Century C.E. Essene document, found by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely in the Secret Archives of the Vatican, entitled "The Essene Book of Moses" which discusses Moses's experience on the top of Mount Sinai where he received from God the "Law" God wished to give to his people. It is a long piece but for purity sake, I will quote it:

"And the lord called unto Moses out of the mountain, saying, Come unto me, for I would Give thee the Law for thy people, which shall be a covenant for the Children of Light."

"And Moses went up unto God. And God spake all these words, saying,
I am the Law, they God, which hath brought thee out from the depth of the bondage of darkness.
Thou shalt have no other Laws before me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any image of the Law in heaven above or in the earth beneath. I am the invisible Law, without beginning and without end.
Thou shalt not make unto thee false laws, for I am the Law, and the whole Law of all Laws. If thou forsake me, thou shalt be visited by disasters for generation upon generation. (Opps! Guess we missed that Law! Hurricane Katrina, etc.)
If thou keepest my commandments, thou shalt enter the Infinite Garden where stands the Tree of Life in the midst of the Eternal Sea. (The Maya Hunab Ku?)
Thou shalt not violate the Law. The Law is thy God, who shall not hold thee guiltless.
Honor thy Earthly Mother, that thy days may be long upon the land, and honor thy Heavenly Father, that eternal life be thine in the heavens, for the earth and the heavens are given unto thee by the Law, which is thy God.
Thou shalt greet thy Earthly Mother on the morning of the Sabbath (Sat. morning in those days)
Thou shalt greet the Angel of Earth on the second morning (Sunday)
Thou shalt greet the Angel of Life on the third morning. (Monday)
Thou shalt greet the Angel of Joy on the fourth morning. (Tuesday)
Thou shalt greet the Angel of Sun on the fifth morning. (Wed.)
Thou shalt greet the Angel of Water on the sixth morning. (Thursday)
Thou shalt greet the Angel of Air on the seventh morning. (Friday)

All these Angels of the Earthly Mother shalt thou greet, and consecrate thyself to them, that thou mayest enter the Infinite Garden where stand the Tree of Life.

Thou shalt worship thy Heavenly Father on the evening of the Sabbath. (Friday evening)
Thou shalt commune with the Angel of Eternal Life on the second evening. (Sat.)
Thou shalt commune with the Angel of (Creative) Work on the third evening. (Sun)
Thou shalt commune with the Angel of Peace on the fourth evening. (Monday)
Thou shalt commune with the Angel of Power on the fifth evening. (Tue.)
Thou shalt commune with the Angel of Love on the sixth evening. (Wed.)
Thou shalt commune with the Angel of Wisdom on the seventh evening. (Thur.)

All these Angels of the Heavenly father shalt thou commune with, that thy soul may bathe in the Fountain of Light, and enter into the Sea of Eternity.

The Essene's utilized these communions to understand the "workings" of the universe. They understood that each of these Angels were energies or laws that followed the One Law, which was God. Even though they could not comprehend the One Law or "God", in human language, they realized that these communions, which they practiced each morning and each evening just as they had been instructed to do, placed them in a position of creating a life experience that was vital! They were known as the teachers and the healers of the sick because they understood the patterns of the universe and their place in it. They understood the Zarathustrian axiom, "Good Words, Good Feelings, Good Actions" meant congruence in the thinking body, feeling body, and acting body lead to a good life. They moved away from the big cities because they realized they could not successfully live in that way among the corruption, fear, and greed they found there. So they moved to the desert - the Dead Sea and Lake Mariotis in Egypt to build their communities. They were known by the people of the time as (Philo, Josephus) the greatest example of humankind to ever exist on the planet.

Living In Choice is a Choice, after all, but what kind of choice?

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I was ordained as an Essene minister in 1999. I have held an Essene material focused spiritual meeting on friday nights since 2000.

Why Essene? I happened to run across a little book entitled The Essene Gospel of Peace by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely in 1996 or 7 and was amazed at this little book which is a translation from Essene documents found in the Secret Archives of the Vatican by the author in 1926.

In his introduction to the text, Szekely says this about the 3rd Century text from its original Aramaic, "They sent out healers. And one these was Jesus, the Essene. He walked among the sick and the troubled, and he brought them the knowledge they needed to cure themselves. Some who followed him wrote down what passed between him and those who suffered and were heavy-laden. The Elders of the Brotherhood made poetry of the words, and made unforgettable the story of the Healer of Men, the Good Shepherd. And when the time came at last for the Brothers to leave the desert and go to another place, the scrolls stayed behind as buried sentinels, as forgotten guardians of enternal living truth.

A dark age began, a time of savagery, of barbarism, of book-burning, of superstition and worship of empty idols. The gentle Jesus was lost forever in the image of a crucified God; the Essene brothers hid their teachings in the minds of the few who could preserve them for their descendants, and the Scrolls of Healing lay neglected beneath the shifting shadows of the desert..." - The Discovery of the Essene Gospel of Peace, by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely

Dr. Szekely was newly graduated from high school in France when he was invited to come to the Vatican and study. The discovery of these ancient Essene documents changed the course of his life.

In 1928 he founded the International Biogenic society with Nobel Prize-winning author, Romain Rolland. Szekely was a well-known philogist in Sanscrit, Aramaic, Greek and Latin. He spoke ten modern languages. He is the author of more than 80 books published in many countries on philosophy and ancient cultures. His work is carried on by the International Biogenic Society headed by his successor, his widow, Norma Nilsson Bordeax Szekely. You can write for a descriptive catalogue of his works to I.B.S. Internacional, P.O. Box 849, Nelson, B.C., Canada VIL 6A5

There are many paths to Living In Choice they all begin with Peace!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tzolkin day 7 Chuen (Monkey)

The current Maya Great Cycle began Aug. 11, 3114 BCE and will end Dec. 21, 2012.
There have elapsed 1,871,591 Kin of that Great Cycle and there are 409 Kin remaining in the cycle. The Tzolkin day today is 7 Chuen. According to the Maya,, the number 7, a Galactic tone, is the number of reflection. It stands as a mirror to divide light and dark and reflects all that is and that which is not. It is associated with the source of creation and the flow of divine will. The number seven has a keen sense of ethics, the foundation of purpose for current and future goals.

The Sacred Sun Sign coupling with the Galactic tone of 7 today is Chuen and was known by the Maya as the weaver of time. People born under this galactic tone and sacred sun sign have particular patterns of behavior and personality characterics. Monkey takes ideas and threads or vines and weaves them into the fabric of our reality. New patterns or inventions are also woven into our lives by Monkey. Monkey is amiable, intelligent, generous and is a jack of all trades. Monkey's innocent curiosity leads to artistic expression and constructive solutions. They can be highly respected merchants or speakers. They love being 'on stage', practical jokes and they crave attention. They may even play the fool to get attention. They have a short attention span and find it difficult to stay focused on anything long enough to master it.

Today is a good day to begin anything new. So, take advantage of the energies flowing into us from the galaxy and the sun start that new project today.

Live in Choice - start today.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Steven Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow, Deepak Chopra

I was fortunate enough to be able to meet Deepak Chopra at his friday evening talk at the Oklahoma Civic Center. His talk was on Happiness and he discussed current research he was involved in with Gallop Poll to determine levels of happiness and what seems to generate happiness for people in different areas of life. You can see the results of the poll on Deepak's website www.deepakchopra.com

I also watched Larry King Live friday night as he interviewed Steven Hawking and his coauthor of their most recent book entitled The Grand Design. I have not read the book yet, but intend to go out today and purchase it. According to Hawking and Mlodinow, their purpose in the book is to reveal what can be proved, scientifically, about how the Universe operates. Because God cannot be reduced to a mathetical equation, their intention seemed to be to research what in the universe could be proved through mathetical equation, quantum physics, and geometry as the foundation for their conclusions. Interesting subject, this.

The late Edmond Bordeau Szekely, in the introduction to his work, The Essene Gospel of Peace Book Two: The Unknown Books of the Essenes, had this to say, "There are three paths leading to Truth. The first path is the path of the consciousness, the second that of nature, and the third is the accumulated experience of past generations, which we receive in the shape of the great masterpieces of all ages. From time immemorial, man and humanity have followed all three paths."

The three paths, he says, are The path of consciosness, The path of nature and the path of the wisdom, knowledge and experience acquired by the great thinkers of all ages and transmitted to us in the form of great teachings, the great sacred books or scriptures of universal literature. He says the Essenes understood this and therefore, approached the Truth in this threefold manner. Otherwise, Truth would not be allsided, but skewed to the single path utilized. Each path must harmonize with the other for a totality of understanding to emerge.

He determined that the Great Mystics of all time considered the path of consciousness to be the most immediate reality for us all and that consciousness is the key to understanding the universe. They determined, he relates, that consiousness is not only in us but is us! These same mystics discovered that the "laws of human consciousness contain an aspect not found in the laws governing the material universe."

This aspect can be seen, he says, in "a certain dynamic unity" that exists in our consciousness, where one is at the same time many. We can have many simultaneously different thoughts, ideas, associations, images, memories and intuitions that occupy our consciousness in a split second, and yet he says, "...all this multiplicity will still constitute only a single dynamic unity."

Because of this, he says, "....the laws of mathematics, which are valid for the material universe and are a key to its understanding, will not be valid in the field of consciousness, a realm where two and two do not necessarily make four. The mystics also found that measurements of space, time and weight, universally valid in nature and throughout the material universe, are not applicable to the consciusness, where sometimes a few seconds seem like hours, or hours like a minute."

Human consciousness, you may have discovered for yourself, as the mystics determined does not exist in space and time. It cannot be measured. You may have also noticed that your own consciousness is the most immediate and inmost reality for your experience of life. It is also the most immediate source of energy, harmony and knowledge for each of us. We are the most accurate source of information concerning our lives. No one can know what is happening inside us better than we can.

But, says Szekely, that there are dangers with all three paths. He says the danger for the mystic is that they create for themselves an ivory tower, removed from the reality of life itself. The path of nature, the realm of science, followed by the scientist, "...like the mystic, sometimes falls into exaggerations..." and finally fails to explain with full satisfaction any solution to our questions of existence, life and the universe.

The problem in utilizing the third path, that of universal knowledge and wisdom found in the great literature, art, and teachings handed down to us lies in the different methods utilized to understand them. The way of the theologian and organized religion, says Szekely, "is to consider each text literally . . . resulting from a long process of petrification, by which truths are inevitably transformed into dogmas."

The danger of this, says Szekely, is the theologian "...runs into many endless contradictions and complications, and he reaches a conclusion as far removed from the truth as that of the scientific interperter of these texts who rejects them as entirely valueless and without validity." He also says there is another danger inherent in this path and that is ".... to believe, as do certain symbolists, that these books have no more than a symbolic content and are nothing more than parables. With their own particular way of exaggeration these symbolists make thousands of different and quite contradictory interpretations of these great texts."

So, I have related the above to remind you that living in choice means to look at all things, all information one must allsidedly explore to find the Truth.

And just from the conversations I heard on Larry King Live, even though Hawking and Mlodinow may have answered questions we have not heretofore had answers to, we are; however, it seems, not one step closer to defining consciousness, the reason for our existence, the purpose of life or the origins of the universe. Because theirs is the path of nature or science.

Perhaps as I read the book, I may change my mind, who knows.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

IChing 58/4

I read the IChing every day for spiritual inspiration and clarity. This one came up yesterday and is reflective of my previous post.

Judgment - Even the thought of bias must be overcome if enlightened decisions are to be made.

Innocence - Even the thought of independent action must be rejected if true security is to be found.

Awareness - Even the thought of ego-led behavior must be overcome before joy can be derived from a growth in awareness.

Emotion - Even the thought of acting in a selfish way mst be overcome before happiness can be found.

Creativity - Even the thought of being pretentious must be overcome before true creativity can be found.

Communication - Even the idea of forcing an opinion must be overcome if there is to be genuine open dialogue.

Ambition - Even the thought of selfish ambition must be overcome before worth-while goals can be achieved.

Service - Even the thought of self-importance must be overcome if a task is to be completed properly.

Nurture - Even the thought of over-protectiveness must be overcome if care is to be of value.

Economy - Even the thought of recklessness must be overcome if real economic growth is to be achieved.
Neutrality - The smallest doubt being able to undermine sincerity.
Reason - It is necessary to overcome even the thought of being clever if real understanding is the goal.

This is from the book I Ching for Everyone by Myles Seabrook

I find the I Ching a great tool for daily use.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


While I was working with a client, the subject of "selfish" came up and she asked me, "What is the definition of selfishness" and I found myself responding "All the negative, self-pitying, self-doubting, self-sabotaging energy you expend". Her mouth dropped open and she exclaimed, "Wow!, that makes so much sense, but tell me more." I continued to explain that when we spend our time and energy in those destructive ways our energy is not available for service either to ourselves or others. Using our energy in judging others or ourselves is to squander our birthright, so to speak, because our power lies in the inherent energy of love that lives within us. When we use that energy for other purposes, we are being selfish. In other words we are using our energy for destructive purposes; therefore, we become a drain, not only using our own energy in self-destructive ways but also sucking positive energy from others rather than sharing our positive, life supporting, creative energy with them.

An example of this might be: You find yourself angry or resentful or you suspect you are being undermined by someone. You make up some story that seems to indicate to you or prove to you that your story is true. Then you call the person or text them or shoot off an email with the accusation only to discover that the story was not only not true but only a figment of your imagination. But by that time the damage has been done. Feelings are hurt and the relationship suffers. This whole process is an act of selfishness. You want to justify your imagined hurt or supposed hurt by making up a story and picking, perceiving and provoking the evidence in your own imagination and then send out the accusation convinced you are justified in the act.

The reality is the story is imagined to fit your own mis-perception of self imagined as truth. Look at all the time and energy you have spent on this folly, when that same energy might have been used to be in service creating a loving energy within that flows out into the world utilized as creative energy. Which, by the way, is well spent because it comes back to you in the same way. Lovingly!

Just watch the news reports and you will see this foolery being played out in almost every story. This person said this and this person did that and hours and hours of "investigation" are utilized to discover the "truth". How selfish this all is. It sells, it gets ratings, it's entertainment. That is the telling part. It sells - greed comes to mind. It is no where more evident than in the "reality" shows. Self-indulgent, selfish use of energy is rampant around the globe-- it is the "victim" and "perpetrator" -- the opposite ends of the continuum. Without the perpetrator there can be no victim. That energy keeps the suffering, the refusal to hold oneself accountable for personal use of energy going. The planetary mind made up of the thoughts of everyone on the planet is filled with prepetrator-victim energy. It seems to be the excuse for every suffering.

I think is was the Dalai Lama or was it Buddhism that says something to the effect that to have too many thoughts is a source of suffering or something like that. When our minds whirl in what I call "the buzzsaw mind" we are not thinking but just ruminating over the same old story, the same old hurt, the same old unrealized dream. Neither the hurt nor the dream can be resolved nor realized in this manner. This is "selfish" use of thought energy. It is also important to remember that thoughts are things that effect other things.

Is this living in choice? No, of course it isn't. And perhaps that is the payoff. The reward. I no longer can be held accountable for my reaction to what I perceive the other has done to me or what I have done to myself or to them. "I have "earned" the "right" to live in self-pity, lack, and suffering", just may be the justification that that reaction is right and proper.

We never do anything that we do not think is "right, proper, and justified" in any given moment given what we think we know in that moment. That is the reason regret is so overrated. So, rather than surviving in self-pity for what might have been or could have been - seeing that in that moment you did the very best you could with what you knew at the time is enough. It is enough because that is all you knew to do at the time. Now, perhaps, you can see something different and that means you see something else is right, justified, and proper today. See how that works out and keep moving to the next moment of wisdom - follow it and see where it takes you.
